samedi 19 avril 2014

How to Be a Free Spirit

Hey everyone ! Today, as my first real post *pops the champagne* I'll talk about what defines a free spirit and how to become one. 

First off, what is a free spirit ? I think that most people will agree that a free spirit is a non-conformist. Then, we build our own meanings and perceptions of this life style, because yes it's a life style !
non·con·form·ist  (nŏn′kən-fôr′mĭst)
1. One who does not conform to, or refuses to be bound by, accepted beliefs, customs, or practices.

Being a non-conformist isn't bad at all ! Of course, we live in a modern society so we have to keep some boundaries to preserve our rights and freedom. There's a lot of ways to be non-conformist. For me, it's to confront the society's perception of perfection. 

So let's get back to the point of this article (or like I would say in french, "Revenons à nos moutons".). For me, being a free spirit is always looking at the bright side of what life gives you. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade ! Anyways, the idea of being free spirited is pretty vague, in general, we live by our own rules, ignore judgmental people, and try to push back our own limits and discover new things that people could consider as non-important, or non-practical ...

So the big question here is how to be a free spirit ! I kind of explained it a bit before but I'll organize it better.

Sara's rules to become a rad free spirit girl (or guy !)

  1. Don't be afraid to say out loud that you're unique !
  2. Be yourself no matter with who you hangout or what happens in your life (and you'll be sure that your friends will love you for who you truly are)
  3. Learn to know yourself, your fears, your goals and learn to know the people close to you.
  4. Don't live by what society thinks as what's good and what's not. Make your own rules ! (Of course don't become a serial killer, moderation girls, moderation.)
  5. THINK FOR YOURSELF !! this is super duper important, observe, collect information and create your own opinions. Don't tell others an opinion that isn't yours just to have some respect or whatever. In order to gain some respect, respect yourself and your values first :)
  6. Brake my rules, modify them, etc. Those are rules that I created for me, because they suit me the best. You have to make rules that suits you too !
  7. So I think that resumes what I had to say about free spirits, I hope you enjoyed this post, if you have questions or just want to say hi, leave a comment and it will make my day. 

Peace and love, Sara 

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