dimanche 20 avril 2014

4/20 Playlist

Today we are the 4/20, Bob Marley's death which mean that we'll celebrate him, A LOT. So I made a playlist of songs to get high to just for you. There's no rap, because I think that weed is always associated with rappers and I personally don't like this type of music. So without further a due, here's my ultimate 4/20 playlist !

***Disclaimer : I do not promote the usage of drugs. ***

N.B : the ones with a weed leaf are my favorites.

The playlist here

What Time Is It ? Spring Time !

So spring is now showing his cute little face (well where I am.). Spring for me means change. Today I'll write about what you can change in your life to feel more powerful !

  • Find new artists, create new playlists ! We often get bored listening the same songs even if we are in love with them. Spring is the best time to find some good energetic songs to kick some butts ! 
    Check the mix here !: Spring Playlist (to kick some butts) 

  • Tidy up your room ! Make it more colorful, buy new bed sheets, go find rad accessories ...
  • Give away the clothes you don't wear anymore. Go thrift shopping while you're at it, it's really fun. You're really proud when you find something pretty and it's cheap.
  • Go on and write a journal, start a blog, draw, etc. Use your creativity !
  • Finish things that are still waiting to be done. Your room is a big mess and it's been like this for months ? Go on for a household spree !
  • Buy a little animal. It can be anything, a fish, a mouse ... If you know that you won't be able to take care of him, buy plants. Plants are alive too !
  • Go on a walk when the sun is setting. You'll see the landscape is not the same. 
  • Start a healthy routine. Eat well, have some exercises planned for the day. It's hard to keep the routine going for the first couple of day but after you'll stick to it and you'll feel beautiful and super healthy !
  • Talk to new people, make new friends ! It's always fun to meet people with the same interests, you never know if one of them will become your best friend.
  • If you have a crush go ahead and share your feelings. If he's in, perfect ! If not, it's not the end of the world. Just that world.
  • Change a bit your beauty routine, change your haircut, find a new hobby, etc ! 
As you can see, there's plenty of ways to change your life style ! It's really therapeutic, you'll see !

Thanks for reading, and happy Easter !

Peace and love, Sara 


samedi 19 avril 2014

Rape Culture : Because it's women's fault

Hey lovelies ! Today I wanted to share something really important that's still exists today. Rape, but more precisely rape culture, because to be honest, rape will always exist. Rape culture shouldn't.

What is rape culture ? The term started in the 70's by United States feminists. It was to show the way that society blamed the victims and were normalizing the male sexual violence.

We see rape culture everyday. In tv shows, book, in front of your eyes ... You'll say "I know what rape is, I never saw that kind of things." It's because we were born seing those things.

I'll give you examples. 

  1. There's a university in Canada where the students had a chant that goes like this for there orientation week : “Y is for your sister. O is for oh-so-tight. U is for underage. N is for no consent. G is for grab that ass.” Seriously ???
  2. Do you know the song Blurred Lines ? Yes this is rape culture.
  3. Did you ever saw some rape related memes ? No !? Just Google it
And the list goes on don't worry. 

What we can do to end rape culture :
  • Identify what is rape culture. If you're contributing to rape culture put a stop at it.
  • Explain what is rape culture to others (like I'm doing right now) share this post, or whatever post you find interesting. 
  • Participate to a rape culture march (to end it of course)
  • No that rape culture exists and it will continue existing if we deny it.
I found something really touching on tumblr today. It takes less than 5 minutes to read. Give it a look.

So that's what I wanted to talk about today. If you have personal stories or if you want to add something, make sure to use the comment section.

Peace and love, Sara


How to Be a Free Spirit

Hey everyone ! Today, as my first real post *pops the champagne* I'll talk about what defines a free spirit and how to become one. 


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. I decided to start this journey to express myself about whatever happens to be on my mind, and to talk about spirituality, how to be a free spirit, who am I as a human being and post little things about what's going on in my life.

So let's talk a bit about me. As you may know, I consider myself as a free spirit. I love playing guitar and learning new things about spirituality, astrology ... You get it.

I'm from Montreal but I dream about road trips and travelling the world when I'll finish school. I'm against animal cruelty I try my best to eat animal  that were healthy. I also try to avoid all piece of clothing made with animals parts, but it's sometimes difficult.

I love thrift shopping and fashion. Yes you can be super cute and fashionable with clothes coming from a thrift shop, and it's also super cheap !

Henry Ford Hospital - Frida Kahlo (1932)

The Sacrament of the Last Supper-
Salvador Dali (1955)

My favorite artists are Salvdor Dali and Frida Kahlo. Dali for painting the best surrealist paintings, and Khalo for being who she is, a free spirited woman.

If you want to join my journey and become a free spirit, stay tuned !

Peace and love, Sara.